Latest CPI Report Still Shows Seattle Inflation Running Ahead of National Inflation

Latest CPI Report Still Shows Seattle Inflation Running Ahead of National Inflation

By Jim Cline and Kate Kremer

The Bureau of Labor Statistics just released CPI report that reports the August Seattle CPI-W at 2.7%, one full percentage point ahead of the All Cities number. These numbers are virtually identical to the last bimonthly (June) report in which the Seattle Index was reported at 2.7% and the all cities Index was reported at 1.6%. This chart shows the last 12 months of CPI-W data:

Here’s a table that also that shows the Seattle and All City W numbers alongside some other relevant West Coast inflation indices:

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September Report of State Forecast Council Slightly Improved

September Report of State Forecast Council Slightly Improved

By Jim Cline

A couple recent reports of the Washington State Economic and Revenue Forecast Council released this past week, shows some modest good news.  The “Economic and Revenue Update” highlights include its finding that “Washington employment, income, and housing are doing as well or better than expected but exports are weakening.” It also reports State government revenues as slightly higher than forecasted “mainly due to higher-than-expected real estate excise tax receipts.” [Read more…]

Recent Economic Reports Continue to be Mixed

Recent Economic Reports Continue to be Mixed

By Jim Cline

The most recent batch of national economic reports from the past couple weeks, continue to reflect an economy that is recovering slowly. On balance, the news is positive.  The economic indicators from earlier in the summer of a possible recession seem to be receding, replaced with more positive, albeit, not vibrant indicators.

One of the more hopeful signs is the resurgence of the housing market.  The severely distressed housing market has contributed significantly to the depth of the recent recession and the slow recovery from it.  Most economists agree that no full recovery will occur, until the housing market rebounds. The most recent housing sales report shows home sales rising and suggests that the large inventory of unsold properties is starting to clear.

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