Wage Series Part 10: Does Assessed Valuation Matter?

Wage Series Part 10: Does Assessed Valuation Matter?

By Jim Cline and Kate Kremer

In the last issue we discussed whether – and to what extent — population influenced a jurisdiction’s relative wage ranking.  In this article, we discussed to what extent assessed valuation influences that ranking.

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Wage Series Part 9: Does Size Matter?

Wage Series Part 9: Does Size Matter?

By Jim Cline and Kate Kremer

In the last three parts of the wage series, we have discussed State wage rankings for the various public safety classifications.  In the next part of the wage series, we run our series of articles on factors that might influence or explain, at least in part, those wage rankings, with updated 2019 wage rankings. 

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Wage Series Part 8: Dispatcher and Records Clerk wages

Wage Series Part 8: Dispatcher and Records Clerk wages

By Jim Cline and Kate Kremer

This is part 8 of our continuing series on Washington public safety employee wages.  In this issue, we report on wage rankings for 911 dispatchers and police records clerks.

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Wage Series Part 7: Firefighter and Corrections Rankings

Wage Series Part 7:  Firefighter and Corrections Rankings

By Jim Cline and Kate Kremer

This is Part 7 of our multi-part 2021 Wage Series. In our last article, we covered Commissioned Deputy and Police Officer Wages.  In this article, we turn to Firefighter and Corrections Officer Wages.  We’ll cover Dispatcher and Records Clerk Wages in the next article. 

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Wage Series Part 6: How Do Your Wages Stack Up: Statewide Commissioned City and County Wage Rankings

Wage Series Part 6: How Do Your Wages Stack Up:  Statewide Commissioned City and County Wage Rankings

By Jim Cline and Kate Kremer

In part 6 of our ongoing wage series, we now turn to the rankings of County Deputy and City Police Officer rankings throughout the State. This series always produces both expected and unexpected information about the relative standing of jurisdictions.

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Wage Series Part 5: Economic Conditions

By Jim Cline and Kate Kremer

This is the fifth in our extensive series on current negotiation conditions and trends. In this article, we focus on recent economic developments.

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Wage Series Part 4: The Impact of COVID on Recent Wage Settlement Trends in Washington Public Safety Labor Contracts

Wage Series Part 4:  The Impact of COVID on Recent Wage Settlement Trends in Washington Public Safety Labor Contracts

By Jim Cline and Kate Kremer

This is the fourth part of our early 2021 wages series. In the last article in our 2021 wage series, we looked at all Washington public safety settlements from 2019 to 2021. That report showed a downward trend in 2021 settlements.

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Wage Series Part 3: Recent Wage Settlement Trends in Washington Public Safety Labor Contracts

Wage Series Part 3:  Recent Wage Settlement Trends in Washington Public Safety Labor Contracts

By Jim Cline and Kate Kremer

This is the third part of our 2021 wage series. In this article, we take a look at recent contract settlements and examine how those trends vary from recent previous years. Our view of 2019 and 2020 settlements and what we have so far from 2021 indicates that the Washington State public sector wages dropped in 2021 but not as substantially as employers might suggest. We see some wage increases with little substantial “real wage” growth (as measured once controlled for inflation). Whether a growing economy eventually will accelerate these is something we’ll discuss later in this series. 

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Wage Series Part 2: Trends in CPI and its Impact on Your Contract Negotiations

By: Jim Cline and Kate Kremer

In part one of our early 2021 Wage series, we reported on the latest CPI data. That was a look backward at the more recent data. In this article, we look forward to what you might expect for inflation over the near term.  Given the goal of achieving a wage increase that at the very least doesn’t fall behind the cost of living, knowing where inflation may be heading is important.

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Wage Series Part 1: Latest CPI Reports

Wage Series Part 1:  Latest CPI Reports

By: Jim Cline and Kate Kremer

Launch of the 2021 Winter Wage Series

This is the first of a multi-part series addressing current economic conditions and wage settlement trends.  In this Winter 2021 Wage Series, we’ll bring you an update on CPI and economic developments, wage settlements, interest arbitration trends, statewide wage rankings for public safety classifications across the State, and an in-depth analysis of what factors appear to be impacting those rankings and settlements.

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