National November CPI Index Drops from October

National November CPI Index Drops from October

By Jim Cline

The November national inflation number, as reported by the All Cities CPI-W dropped to 1.7%, a full half percent below the October report for the same Index (2.2%).  The All Cities CPI-U was reported at 1.8%.  (These indices report inflation as measured over 12 months). According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics report, the drop of inflation is almost entirely attributable to a decrease in gas and energy prices. [Read more…]

What is the “Seattle” CPI?

What is the “Seattle” CPI?

By Jim Cline and Kate Kremer

We often are asked, what the “Seattle” CPI is and whether it only covers the City of Seattle, or King County.  In fact, the “Seattle” index covers the entire Seattle metropolitan area. [Read more…]

Seattle and National CPI Converge in Latest Numbers

Seattle and National CPI  Converge in Latest Numbers

By Jim Cline and Kate Kremer

In our last inflation report, the August bimonthly Seattle-W CPI index was a full percentage point above the All Cities-W (2.7% versus 1.7%). However, the latest bimonthly CPI release shows a convergence of the two indices.  The October Seattle W has dropped to 2.3% while the All Cities-W has risen to 2.2%: [Read more…]