Wage Series Part 10: A Review of Recession Era Interest Arbitration Awards — 2008-2013

Wage Series Part 10: A Review of Recession Era Interest Arbitration Awards — 2008-2013

By Jim Cline and Kate Kremer

As part of our spring 2013 wage series, it seemed important to interject a discussion about how arbitrators have ruled in the recent economic climate.  I recently spoke on many of the same points at the Annual PERC sponsored Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA) Conference, so this seems like an appropriate time for this review.

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Jump in Seattle Area Home Prices Indicate Signs of Rebounding Local Economy

Jump in Seattle Area Home Prices Indicate Signs of Rebounding Local Economy

By Jim Cline

The just-released home sales data indicates some continued improvement in the local housing market.  This is also a good sign of a broader recovery not only of the Seattle area economy, but possibly a statewide recovery.  As we recently reported, the Washington State Economic and Revenue Forecast Council continues to indicate that the Washington State economy is recovering at a somewhat stronger rate than the national economy.

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Wage Series Part 9: Does Geographic Location Matter?

Wage Series Part 9: Does Geographic Location Matter?

By Jim Cline and Kate Kremer

In the previous two articles in this wage series, we discussed the extent to which population and assessed valuation correlated with wage rankings.  In this article, we discuss geographic location and the effect of various labor markets on public safety wages.

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