Seattle CPI Still Appears to Retain Edge over All-Cities CPI Index

Seattle CPI Still Appears to Retain Edge over All-Cities CPI Index

By Jim Cline and Kate Kremer

seattleIn our last blog we reported that the Seattle CPI-W index had dipped slightly to fall closer in line with the national (All-Cities) index.  The June Seattle Index was reported at 2.2 while the All-Cities index was 2.0%.

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Influential June CPI Number Released this Last Week Shows Seattle Number Moderates to an Inflation Rate Closer to National Rate

Influential June CPI Number Released this Last Week Shows Seattle Number Moderates to an Inflation Rate Closer to National Rate

by Jim Cline and Kate Kremer

food-cost1The one CPI Report that most heavily influences the course of negotiations is the June CPI Report and it was just released this last week.

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Fed Research Paper Suggests Possible Rise in Inflation

Fed Research Paper Suggests Possible Rise in Inflation

By Jim Cline

inflationA just released paper from the Federal Reserve Bank points to a possible upward drift in the inflation rate.

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