Part 7: Dispatcher and Records Clerk Wages

By Jim Cline and Kate Kremer

dispatchThis is part of our continued series on Washington public safety employee wages.  In this issue we report on wage rankings for 911 dispatchers and police records clerks.

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Wage Series Part 6: June Inflation Report Shows Rising but Still Low Inflation, Seattle not as Low as All-Cities Index

Wage Series Part 6: June Inflation Report Shows Rising but Still Low Inflation, Seattle not as Low as All-Cities Index

By Jim Cline and Kate Kremer

economyIn our last article covering CPI we reported on the dramatic recent fall off in inflation (below 0%) numbers.  We also predicted that, as to the pivotal June CPI report, the number would show an increase but that “we are not anticipating that these numbers will leap up anywhere near the 2% mark.” In fact, the June CPI numbers are out and they do show a turnaround in inflation numbers and numbers well short of the normal 2% mark.

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BLS Reports Wages Rising at a Rate Greater than Inflation

BLS Reports Wages Rising at a Rate Greater than Inflation

By Jim Cline

??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????One additional sign of good economic news this week came in the form of a Bureau of Labor Statistics Second Quarter Wage ReportThe BLS, the data reporting branch of the Department of Labor reports that despite the low rate of inflation, reports wages are rising, 2.7% as to the period one year ago:

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