Seattle Index Continues to Outshine National Index

Seattle Index Continues to Outshine National Index


space needle- moneyBy Jim Cline and Kate Kremer

As we recently wrote, CPI Edging Up , the Seattle CPI continues to far outpace the All-Cities Index.  The latest report has the Seattle Index at 2.6%, far outpacing the 0.8% All Cities Index.  This probably should not be too surprising giving the robust Seattle economy which is far outpacing the most modest economic growth occurring elsewhere.  The economic growth is no doubt placing additional pressures on local prices.

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CPI Edging Up

CPI Edging Up

By Jim Cline and Kate Kremer

Basket-of-Groceries-legal-The latest release of CPI shows that it is continue to climb, edging up enough that it may also bump up contract settlements.  The April CPI was released this past week showing the Seattle CPI-W climbing to 2.6.  The All-Cities-W index, although also climbing, continues to significantly lag behind at 0.8.   This chart reveals the trend line in those two indices over the past 12 months:

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Wage Series Part 11: Does Assessed Valuation Matter?

Wage Series Part 11: Does Assessed Valuation Matter?

By Jim Cline and Kate Kremer

money houseIn the last issue we discussed whether – and to what extent — population influenced a jurisdiction’s relative wage ranking.  In this article we discussed to what extent assessed valuation influences that ranking.

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