CPI Continues to Ride High — But with Signs of Moderation

CPI Continues to Ride High — But with Signs of Moderation

By Jim Cline

The latest CPI report continued to show high inflation numbers, even higher than the previous set. But inside those numbers were signs that the predicted slow down in inflation may lie ahead. The Seattle 12-month through April to April “W” index was reported at an eye-popping 8.1%. The All Cities index was even higher at 8.6%:

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Six-Year Island County Corrections Battle Leads to Guild Winning 19.7% Increase

By Jim Cline

A long-delayed Island County Interest Arbitration has resulted in the Corrections Guild prevailing with a six-year wage award that, with year to year compounding, increased wages by 19.7%. The contract was delayed not just by lengthy arbitration and mediation, but also by a County Unfair Labor Practice that had resulted in canceling a scheduled 2019 hearing date. The Award covers contract years 2017 through 2022.

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Besides the Jump in Inflation, Other Economic and Fiscal Developments Point to Higher Contract Settlements

Besides the Jump in Inflation, Other Economic and Fiscal Developments Point to Higher Contract Settlements

By Jim Cline and Kate Kremer

In the last two newsletters, we reported on the surprisingly sharp rise in inflation and how that development and the uncertainty in future inflation predictions would have a potentially large impact on wage negotiations.  The jump in inflation suggests rising settlements but other developments likewise support our prediction that settlements for 2022 (and 2023) will be heading up.

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