Archives for March 2015

Responding to Falling CPI: Should you opt for a Fixed Percentage Wage Settlement?

Responding to Falling CPI: Should you opt for a Fixed Percentage Wage Settlement?

By Jim Cline and Kate Kremer

percentageMore often than not, employers prefer a fixed percent COLA adjustment, as opposed to a number tied to the CPI. Having a fixed percentage COLA number written in the “out year” labor contract settlements provides the employer a “known” number to plug into their budgets. While your members have often preferred the ability to keep full pace with inflation, the recent falling and erratic CPI numbers pose a new question: Would you be better off with your contract settlements tied to a fixed percentage increase?

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Recent Inflation Indicators Up and Down, Mostly Down

Recent Inflation Indicators Up and Down, Mostly Down

By Jim Cline and Kate Kremer

rollercoasterThe recent fall off in gas prices has dramatically impacted the reported inflation rate. The most recent rate reported on the Seattle inflation numbers were through the end of 2014 and, following a dramatic fall in fuel prices, the Seattle number plummeted. Its high number for the year was 2.6% in April and by December that number had dropped to 1.1%.  Even more dramatic was the drop of the All-Cities national CPI number to 0.3%.  This chart shows the inflation numbers during the course of 2014:

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Latest Report from State Economic Forecast Council Highlights Improved Economic Conditions

Latest Report from State Economic Forecast Council Highlights Improved Economic Conditions

By Jim Cline

economicsThe February “Economic and Revenue Update” from the Washington State Economic and Revenue Forecast Council provides a good summary of the recent rounds of good economic news both nationally and locally. The key findings by the Revenue Council include that on the national level:

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